Package org.eclipse.birt.chart.datafeed

Provides classes and interfaces that determine how a user's custom dataset needs to be interpreted. In addition, it provides definitions of services to parse sample values from a typical comma separated list (or an alternative text representation of a collection of values), computation of a minimum value from a set and computation of a maximum value from a set of custom values provided.

  • Interface Summary 
    Interface Description
    A datapoint definition is responsible for defining the data types of a datapoint entry and the display text.
    The entry is a data point that is usually made up of several data.
    Provides a generic definition of a data set processor capable of building or scanning through data sets associated with specific series types.
    This interface maintains a subset of a resultset by defining a selective list of columns and a row range to be extracted from a full resultset.
  • Class Summary 
    Class Description
    The abstract class implements an adapter for subclass.
    Provides a no-op implementation of the IDataSetProcessorinterface definition to be subclassed by each extension writer as needed.
    The class defines abstract methods to access number values from number data set.