Holds a set of interfaces that define the structure of the data source and typed data elements associated with a chart series. In addition, it also holds a system-independent query definition capable of pulling data from a target host.
Interface Summary Interface Description Action A representation of the model object 'Action'.BaseSampleData A representation of the model object 'Base Sample Data'.BigNumberDataElement A representation of the model object 'Big Number Data Element'.BubbleDataSet A representation of the model object 'Bubble Data Set'.DataElement A representation of the model object 'Element'.DataFactory The Factory for the model.DataPackage The Package for the model.DataPackage.Literals Defines literals for the meta objects that represent each class, each feature of each class, each enum, and each data typeDataSet A representation of the model object 'Set'.DateTimeDataElement A representation of the model object 'Date Time Data Element'.DateTimeDataSet A representation of the model object 'Date Time Data Set'.DifferenceDataSet A representation of the model object 'Difference Data Set'.GanttDataSet A representation of the model object 'Gantt Data Set'.MultipleActions A representation of the model object 'Multiple Actions'.NullDataSet A representation of the model object 'Null Data Set'.NumberDataElement A representation of the model object 'Number Data Element'.NumberDataSet A representation of the model object 'Number Data Set'.OrthogonalSampleData A representation of the model object 'Orthogonal Sample Data'.Query A representation of the model object 'Query'.Rule Deprecated. only reserved for compatibilitySampleData A representation of the model object 'Sample Data'.SeriesDefinition A representation of the model object 'Series Definition'.SeriesGrouping A representation of the model object 'Series Grouping'.StockDataSet A representation of the model object 'Stock Data Set'.TextDataElement A representation of the model object 'Text Data Element'.TextDataSet A representation of the model object 'Text Data Set'.Trigger A representation of the model object 'Trigger'. -
Class Summary Class Description ScriptExpression