BasicLayoutStrategies |
The strategy to recover the table from an invalid layout to a valid one.
DropStrategy |
The strategy to apply drop to the table layout.
FillCellsStrategy |
The strategy to fill empty areas with LayoutCell s and
Cell elements.
LayoutCell |
The minimal item in the table.
LayoutChangedEvent |
Notification event that says that the layout of the table element has been
LayoutGroup |
The table group model for a TableGroup element.
LayoutGroupBand |
The slot for the header and the footer in groups.
LayoutHelper |
An algorithm to support rowSpan, colSpan for BIRT table elements.
LayoutRow |
Represents a row in table layout.
LayoutSlot |
A slot in the table.
LayoutTable |
The table model for the content layout.
LayoutTable.OverlappedArea |
Represents an overlapped area of the cell element in the table.
LayoutTableModel |
The table model for the UI render.
LayoutUtil |
The utility class for LayoutTable .