Defines the fundamental interfaces for those extensions from the
reportitem extension point.
Package Specification
The extension package defines the key interfaces of those extension implementation from the reportitem extension point. All the implementation of reportitem extension point build on these interfaces to offer the extension definition, extension properties, extension choice, extension element, extension command and extension exception and other concepts defined in the reportitem extension point schema.The key interfaces in this package include:
provides methods to access the meta data of an extended type of report element and create new instance of the elementIReportItem
. See the extensive documentation in this interface for information about the services common to all extension definition.IReportItem
Provides methods to access/modify properties, these methods are to be implemented if the report item stores its properties in its own model.IPropertyDefinition
provide generic access to extension properties or extension structure members, and choices for extension properties or members respectively.IElementCommand
integrate with the models command stack, the extension plug-in needs to implement the IElementCommand interface
Interface Summary Interface Description IChoiceDefinition Defines a choice within a list of property choices defined by a peer extension.IColor ICompatibleReportItem Represents an instance of a extended report element that can work with the bound data columns.IElementCommand Represents a extended element command that is integrated with the BIRT command stack.IEncryptionHelper Defines the interface of encryption helper, which includes two methods for encryption and decryption.IFont IMessages The interface for getting localized messages from extension element.IPropertyDefinition Defines a property or structure member provided by an peer extension.IReportItem Represents an instance of a extended report element.IReportItemFactory Represents the peer extension itself.IResourceBundleProvider Provides the resource bundle with the given locale.IStyleDeclaration Interface to traverse all the style property values. -
Class Summary Class Description ChoiceDefinition Adapter class for the IChoiceDefinition class.CompatibilityStatus Class that records some status after the report item checks the compatibilities.ElementCommand Extension adapter class for the IElementCommand.IllegalContentInfo MultiRowItem Implements of multi row report item.PropertyDefinition Extension adapter class for the IPropertyDefintion.ReportItem Extension adapter class for the IReportItem.ReportItemFactory Adapter class for the IReportItemFactory interface.SimpleRowItem Implements of simple item that has no data rows.The constructor in sub class must call super(ExtendedItemHandle).UndefinedPropertyInfo Class that provides the information for undefined properties set in extended items. -
Exception Summary Exception Description ExtendedElementException Base class for all peer-provided exceptions.