Provides the validation classes for semantic check on multiple properties.
Package Specification
Provides a number of validation classes for semantic check. Generally, semantic check is aimed to check property value against semantic rule. Note: The classes used for value validation on single property are located
Interface Summary Interface Description IValidationListener Receives validation events after one element is validated. -
Class Summary Class Description BookmarkValidator CascadingParameterTypeValidator Validates that type of the parameters in a cascading parameter group should be "dynamic".CellOverlappingValidator Validates all cells in one row don't overlap each other.DataColumnNameValidator Validates the result set column of the data item.DataSetNameRequiredValidator Validates the data set name of scalar parameter is required.DataSetNameRequiredValidatorImpl Validates the data set name of scalar parameter is required.DataSetRequiredValidator Validates the data set of some special elements should be provided.DataSetResultSetValidator Deprecated. since birt 2.2ElementExtendsValidator Validates the element extends property.ElementReferenceValidator Validates the property whose type is element reference.ExtensionValidator Validates the extension is valid, which is provided byIReportItem
.GroupNameValidator Validates the ducplicat group name in one table with data set.ImageDataValidator If the image source is set, the corresponding image data should be set.IncludedCssStyleSheetValidator Validates whether the included css style sheet file is existed or not.IncludedLibraryValidator Validates whether the included library file is existed or not.InconsistentColumnsValidator Validates the column number in columns slot and the maximum column number in rows should be consistent.MasterPageContextContainmentValidator Validates the table/list is not allowed to appear in header/footer/contents slot of master page in any level.MasterPageMultiColumnValidator Validates the multiple columns and content width should be consistent.MasterPageRequiredValidator Validates the report should have at least one master page.MasterPageSizeValidator Validates the page size is invalid.MasterPageTypeValidator Validates the page size against page type.SimpleListValidator Validates one list property of element.StructureListValidator Validates one list property of element.StructureReferenceValidator Validates the property whose type is structure reference.StructureValidator Validates a structure property of element.StyleReferenceValidator Validates the style reference value forStyledElement
.TableHeaderContextContainmentValidator Validates the element is not allowed to appear in the specific slot of the given container type in any level.ThemeReferenceValidator Validates the theme reference in the module.ThemeStyleNameValidator Validates the ducplicat style name in the theme.UnsupportedElementValidator Validates whether the element is unsupported in the current release.ValidationEvent Notification event that says that the validation is performed and whether error exists.ValueRequiredValidator Validates the property value is required.