Package org.eclipse.birt.chart.device
Provides interfaces and no-op adapters that define services provided by the device renderer and an associated display server. A device renderer is responsible for rendering a chart on a device-specific context (e.g. an image into a JPEG file). A display server is responsible for providing device-specific metrics needed to build charts and compute preferred sizes of the various chart components.
Interface Summary Interface Description ICallBackNotifier This interface adds the callback ability to the existing IUpdateNotifer interface, any listener who want to perform a callback must implement this instead of the original IUpdateNotifer.IDeviceRenderer Combines the primitive rendering notifications provided in the primitive and other convenience methods needed by a device renderer.IDisplayServer Provides generic services to a device renderer for computing metrics and centralized creation of device specific resources.IImageMapEmitter This interface defines the capability for implementors to provide an html image map string.IImageWriterFactory This interface defines the ability of creating an ImageWriter.IPrimitiveRenderer Provides low level primitive rendering notifications that are interpreted by a device renderer.IScriptMenuHelper The interface defines method(s) to generate scripts for Action Value of chart model.IStructureDefinitionListener Notifies a listener of group change events associated with a structure being rendered.ITextMetrics Provides a layer of abstraction for text metrics retrieval via display server dependent implementations.ITextRenderer Provides convenience methods for rendering rotated text with configurable attributes on a graphics context.IUpdateNotifier Defines methods that allow model updating via a device event handler used in conjunction with a device renderer. -
Class Summary Class Description DeviceAdapter A no-op adapter implementation for theIDeviceRenderer
interface definition.DisplayAdapter A no-op adapter implementation for theIDisplayServer
interface definition.EmptyUpdateNotifier A convenient empty update notifier doing nothing.FontUtil Font utility class.ImageWriterFactory ScriptMenuHelper The helper class is used to generate scripts for Action Value of chart model.TextAdapter A no-op adapter implementation for theITextMetrics
interface definition.TextRendererAdapter