Package org.eclipse.birt.chart.event
Contains classes that define a rendering notification that is interpreted by a device renderer. Also contains a convenient cache for reusing primitive event rendering notifications that are rendered immediately (as opposed to rendering into a deferred cache and the rendering order sorted based on a Z-order). Each event encapsulates source information and several arguments needed for correctly rendering a given primitive.
The class PrimitiveRenderingEvent
represents the base class from which all
events are subclassed.
Interface Summary Interface Description I3DRenderEvent An interface that all 3D rendering events must extend.IRenderInstruction A render instruction wraps a render event or several events. -
Class Summary Class Description Arc3DRenderEvent A rendering event type for rendering 3D Arc object.ArcRenderEvent A rendering event type for rendering Arc object.Area3DRenderEvent A rendering event type for rendering 3D Area object.AreaRenderEvent A rendering event type for rendering Area object.BlockGenerationEvent An event type for block generation.ChartEvent Base Abstract class for various Chart Events: Primitive render events, interaction events, structure change eventsClipRenderEvent This class encapsulates clipping information required for clip implementation in a device.EventObjectCache An internal cache that provides reusable primitive (and block) rendering event objects.Image3DRenderEvent A rendering event type for rendering 3D Image object.ImageRenderEvent A rendering event type for rendering Image object.InteractionEvent An event type for Interactivity.Line3DRenderEvent A rendering event type for rendering 3D Line object.LineRenderEvent A rendering event type for rendering Line object.MarkerInstruction This class wraps a rendering event for MarkerOval3DRenderEvent A rendering event type for rendering 3D Oval object.OvalRenderEvent A rendering event type for rendering Oval object.Polygon3DRenderEvent A rendering event type for rendering 3D Polygon object.PolygonRenderEvent A rendering event type for rendering Polygon object.PrimitiveRenderEvent RectangleRenderEvent A rendering event type for rendering Rectangle object.StructureChangeEvent A event type indicates a structure change.StructureSource This class defines a structure source object for all chart events.StructureType This class defines the type for a StructureSource object and provides predefined constants.Text3DRenderEvent A rendering event type for rendering 3D text object.TextRenderEvent A rendering event type for rendering text object.TransformationEvent An event type for transformation.WrappedInstruction This class wraps different types of rendering events.WrappedStructureSource This class defines a wrapped structure source object which could have a parent source for all chart events.