Package org.eclipse.birt.chart.model.component.impl
Represents a set of chart sub-components (as core implementations) that are
used to build a complete chart. By default, when a new ChartImpl
instance is created, a default set
of sub-components and corresponding attributes are automatically initialized and
assigned to the chart instance.
Class Summary Class Description AxisImpl An implementation of the model object ' Axis'.ChartPreferencesImpl Deprecated. only reserved for compatibilityComponentFactoryImpl An implementation of the model Factory .ComponentPackageImpl An implementation of the model Package .CurveFittingImpl An implementation of the model object 'Curve Fitting'.DialImpl An implementation of the model object 'Dial'.DialRegionImpl An implementation of the model object 'Dial Region'.EStringToDataSetMapEntryImpl An implementation of the model object 'EString To Data Set Map Entry'.GridImpl An implementation of the model object ' Grid'.LabelImpl An implementation of the model object ' Label'.MarkerLineImpl An implementation of the model object ' Marker Line'.MarkerRangeImpl An implementation of the model object ' Marker Range'.NeedleImpl An implementation of the model object 'Needle'.ScaleImpl An implementation of the model object ' Scale'.SeriesImpl An implementation of the model object ' Series'.