Provides events when some command operations modify the state of the
Design Engine.
Package Specification
The application modifies a report design using a set of commands. Each command will send notification event and throw exception if an error occurs.
- An exception thrown if an error occurs. Many exceptions provide detailed error codes to clearly identify what went wrong.
- A notification event sent to the UI each time the operation is done, undone or redone.
Related Documentation
The application generally uses the API handle classes to work with a design. These handle classes use the commands defined here to modify the design.-
Class Summary Class Description ContentEvent Notification event that says that the contents of a container have changed.ContentReplaceEvent Notification event that says that one content of a container have been replaced by another one.CssEvent Included css style sheet eventCssReloadedEvent Included css style sheet reload eventCustomMsgEvent Notification event that says that the contents of user-defined message is added, dropped, or changed.ElementDeletedEvent Indicates that an element was deleted.ElementLocalizeEvent Events indicating that the element is just localized.EncryptionEvent Identifies that the encryption of an element property changed.ExtendsEvent Indicates that the extends attribute of an element changed.ExtensionPropertyDefinitionEvent Notification event to send when the dynamic property list is changed after setting an extension property value.LibraryChangeEvent Notification event that says that the module need refreshing.LibraryEvent Indicates that the library is added, dropped or shifted.LibraryReloadedEvent Events indicating that the library is reloaded.NameEvent Identifies that the name of an element changed.NameSpaceEvent Deprecated. Since BIRT 2.1, there will no such event send by BIRTPropertyEvent Notification event to send when a property changes.ResourceChangeEvent Notification event that says that the module need refreshing.StyleEvent Notifies that the style of an element has changed.TemplateTransformEvent Notification event that says that transformation betweem a template element and a report item or data set occurs.ThemeEvent Notifies that the style of an element has changed.UserPropertyEvent Indicates a change to a user-defined property.ViewsContentEvent Notification event that says that multiple views of a container have changed. -
Exception Summary Exception Description CircularExtendsException An error indicates circular extension while setting the extends property of an element.ContentException Reports an error during a container operation.CssException Included css style sheet exceptionCustomMsgException Reports an error during a user-defined message operation.EncryptionException Indicates an error when setting the name of an element.ExtendsException Indicates an error while setting the extends property of an element.ExtendsForbiddenException An error indicates not supported extension while setting the extends property of an element.InvalidParentException An error indicates invalid parent while setting the extends property of an element.LibraryException Indicates an error while operating with library.NameException Indicates an error when setting the name of an element.PropertyNameException Exception thrown when a property name is invalid.StyleException Indicates an error while setting the style of an element.TemplateException Reports an error during a template related operation.ThemeException Indicates an error while setting the style of an element.UserPropertyException Reports an error during a user property operation.WrongTypeException An error indicates wrong type while setting the extends property of an element.